Furious Love eftir Darren Wilson

Fór síðast liðið sunnudagakvöld á Furious Love í kirkjunni minni CTF, þetta er heimildarmynd eftir Darren Wilson um snertingu Guðs og kraftaverkin Hans og þetta var svo mögnuð mynd og vel unnin og þú gast séð hvernig Drottinn snerti við fólkinu, en þessi maður gerði einmitt myndina Finger of God sem er líka rosalega snert af Guði og þá var hann efahyggjumaður og fór af stað með þá mynd í þeirri ákvörðun að sýna fram á að Guð væri ekki til -  en dýrð Guðs er bara svo mögnuð í gegnum alla myndina og sjá fólk og heyra í þeim í verstu kringumstæðum sem þú getur ímyndað þér en geta samt séð dýrð Guðs og lofað hann - það er rosalegt - mæli með að þú sjáir þessa mynd

 hér eru nokkur innlegg sem ég sá á mismunandi vefsíðum þar sem vitnað er um myndina, afsakið að nokkur textinn er á ensku  en ég vildi ekki þýða hann yfir á íslensku svo innihaldið héldist rétt:


Furious Love, sequel to Finger of God, is the story of one mans journey into some of the darkest spiritual climates on earth to test the limits of Gods love. Watch his discovery and witness Gods response to the demon possessed in Africa, the heroine addicts of Madrid, and witches in Salem, Massachusetts. See this love in relentless pursuit of the persecuted church in India and the oppressed victims of sex trafficking in Thailand.

This journey of LOVE will leave you undone and must be experienced to be believed.


Bíó Furious Love

Dagsetning: 14. febrúar 2010
Staðsetning: Ctf Háteigsvegi 7
CTF Reykjavík

Furious Love

Furious Love er heimldarmynd frá þeim sömu og færðu okkur Finger of God.

Darren Wilson lagði upp í ferð til að komast að því hvers ást Guðs er megnug.

Hann leitaði uppi myrkustu staði jarðarinnar og sýndi ást Guðs í verki á þessum stöðum.

 Darren kvikmyndaði það sem gerðist og er óhætt að segja að afraksturinn,

Furious Love, sé mynd sem hristir upp í öllum sem sjá hana.

 Sýnd kl 20:00 


Furious Love is the highly anticipated sequel to the hit movie, Finger of God. Darren Wilson and his crew traveled around the world to some of the darkest spiritual climates to see if God's love has any limits. What they discovered must simply be seen to be believed.





Minutes into the film I was hooked and what followed was one of the best experiences I have ever had watching a film. I LOVE THIS FILM. It says things I have felt for years, wanted to say but never could get it right, and here I see it acted out. Most of the stories are incredibly compelling and anointed with the Truth of Christ.


  • I know this probably looks weird because I am in the film. But, I loved it. Even if I wasn’t in it. This movie gives people permission to go to the extremes. We were all taught to fear the darkness but F.L. shows us that Darkness fears us. We aren’t fighting people but the Darkness. Satanists and Muslims aren’t my enemies they are my opportunities to see the Kingdom Break in. Saddle Up!!!!

    Randy Schoof

    It was great watching Furious Love. I came away with an even greater desire to be with – to love and pray for – those who are lost in spiritual darkness. Cool to see Robby in there too!

  • Solid movie. Its an eye opener for those who don’t believe in the spirit world or thought that demons aren’t active in the west. This movie proves that the most powerful force in the universe is love, a love that sets captives free and mends broken hearts, no matter how shattered they are.

    Jesus you’re beautiful

  • I have been a missionary for almost 3 years in one of the poorest countries in Africa and am now headed to Asia longer term. Watching this movie moved my heart greatly. Firstly because this movie is very accurate and real in its portrayal of spiritual darkness in other parts of the world. And releasing the love of God into someone’s life is one of the most rewarding experiences anyone can be a part of. Secondly, because it is a wake-up message to the western church. If the western church ignores this message, it will leave her in a very dangerous place for what is to come…the Body of Christ in the west needs to not be 5 foolish virgins, but 5 wise ones…the love of God is our best and most powerful weapon. Oh Lord help us wake up to your unconditional love! We need to allow God to heal our hearts so we can receive His love and then we will be able to give this love purely to those who are so desperately crying out for it. I used to be a girl displaying her body for money and men to see. Now I am transformed and whole because of the LOVE of God. Religion made me feel like a stripper, Love made me feel like a daughter. Choose this day whom you will serve. Do not ignore the message in this movie. It is not to entertain, but to move us to experience the love of God so we can not just be transformed, but to transform the nations for life and love eternally. Many many blessings to all those who put this film together for all of us to see. Thank you for making this film and it being REAL. REAL in the sense of not sugar-coating the darkness or the fact that not everyone gets healed. (Which is not because God doesn’t want to, but just like in the film, sometime we need to regroup and ask God what HE wants to do in the situation. He always wants to heal, but how He does it is the mystery we need to discover) The world is much darker than you think…and it is only getting worse. Whether you care to believe it or not. And yet, the earth is groaning to see the transforming love of God in His sons and daughters to come forth. HE IS WORTHY! This film clearly depicts that His love is our only hope to see the people suffering in this world to have HOPE and LIFE. I pray that MANY people see this and are changed enough inside to go after God with everything they have and then take that love received and give it away…to the ends of the earth! BLESS YOU ALL MUCH!!

  • Furious Love has so stirred my heart and spirit for the “more” that God has made available to those who hunger and thirst for Him. I felt the same awe that I felt after watching Finger of God. I again stand amazed at the strength, power and greatness of the love of God poured out for all to take hold of. Furious Love is an encounter

  • http://images.google.is/imgres?imgurl=http://www.gotlifechurch.com/images/furious_love_info.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.gotlifechurch.com/furiouslove/index.html&usg=__VDlsESrFTCVpuqpleGj2HKGHILg=&h=385&w=350&sz=31&hl=is&start=2&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=SyrkqZoPh4SzCM:&tbnh=123&tbnw=112&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dfurious%2Blove%26hl%3Dis%26lr%3D%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1




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